VIDEOCLIP: Genesys® digital fully automatic manifold systems lead the industry in; safety, reliability and innovative features. • Our systems utilize transducers instead of pressure switches providing improved safety, greater accuracy and repeatability, lower cost and easier push button adjustment of alarm set points. • Our exclusive 400 psig pressure differential rated solenoid valve has been tested at over 10,000 cycles and provides improved safety and reliability over competitors 150 psig rated solenoids. • Genesys manifolds are designed so they may be upgraded or converted in the field. As your facility grows, your gas and manifold needs can grow with your facility without the need to replace the manifold system.
VIDEOCLIP Tri-Tech Medical offers a conversion kit for most popular medical gas outlets that lasts up to 5x longer than the OEM equipment. Tri-Tech conversion kit features brass components and a true double o-ring design that will support up to 10 lbs at 2″ without leaking. Conversion also gives additional benefits.
Presentation from Jim Lucas, Tri-Tech Medical on NFPA 99 Changes. (44 Pages) NFPA 99 Changes 2005 to 2012 FORMAT: PowerPoint (.ppt) NFPA-99-Changes-2005-to-2012 FORMAT: PDF (.pdf)
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has issued a warning to the hundreds of thousands of medical, dental, and veterinary professionals who work with nitrous oxide (N2O). The Institute warns that even with preventative measures … [Open PDF for full article].
Center for Transforming Healthcare announces new solutions to decrease risk of colorectal SSIs. On November 28, the Joint Commission Center for Transforming Healthcare, in collaboration with the American College of Surgeons, announced that its project to reduce surgical site infections (SSIs) saved more than $3.7 million in costs for 135 avoided SSIs … [Open PDF for full article].
VIDEOCLIP: Medical Gas Manifold Features Benefits by Tri-Tech Medical

VIDEOCLIP: Genesys® digital fully automatic manifold systems lead the industry in; safety, reliability and innovative features. • Our systems utilize transducers instead of pressure switches providing improved safety, greater accuracy and repeatability, lower cost and easier push button adjustment of alarm set points. • Our exclusive 400 psig pressure differential rated solenoid valve has been tested at over 10,000 cycles and provides improved safety and reliability over competitors 150 psig rated solenoids. • Genesys manifolds are designed so they may be upgraded or converted in the field. As your facility grows, your gas and manifold needs can grow with your facility without the need to replace the manifold system.
Posted: November 22, 2015, 5:18 pm
VIDEOCLIP: Medical Gas Outlet Repair Conversion Kit by Tri-Tech Medical

VIDEOCLIP Tri-Tech Medical offers a conversion kit for most popular medical gas outlets that lasts up to 5x longer than the OEM equipment. Tri-Tech conversion kit features brass components and a true double o-ring design that will support up to 10 lbs at 2″ without leaking. Conversion also gives additional benefits.
Posted: November 22, 2015, 5:17 pm
NFPA 99 Changes: 2005 to 2012 Editions (PowerPoint)

Presentation from Jim Lucas, Tri-Tech Medical on NFPA 99 Changes. (44 Pages) NFPA 99 Changes 2005 to 2012 FORMAT: PowerPoint (.ppt) NFPA-99-Changes-2005-to-2012 FORMAT: PDF (.pdf)
Posted: July 2, 2013, 8:49 pm
NIOSH: Nitrous Oxide Continues to Threaten Health Care Workers

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has issued a warning to the hundreds of thousands of medical, dental, and veterinary professionals who work with nitrous oxide (N2O). The Institute warns that even with preventative measures … [Open PDF for full article].
Posted: July 2, 2013, 8:32 pm
Joint Commission: Solutions to Decrease Colorectal SSIs – Nov 28 2012

Center for Transforming Healthcare announces new solutions to decrease risk of colorectal SSIs. On November 28, the Joint Commission Center for Transforming Healthcare, in collaboration with the American College of Surgeons, announced that its project to reduce surgical site infections (SSIs) saved more than $3.7 million in costs for 135 avoided SSIs … [Open PDF for full article].
Posted: July 2, 2013, 8:19 pm